World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War brought widespread changes to American society and to Texas Christian University. This exhibit documents the particular ways that the campus mobilized students for war and military service and the ways that the wars shaped the lives of Horned Frog students.
This exhibit was created in the Fall of 2017 by students in Dr. Kara Dixon Vuic’s "War and Society" history course. Working with graduate assistant Jessica Webb and Senior Archivist Mary Saffell, the students utilized records in the TCU library’s Special Collections, the student newspaper The Skiff, and the TCU Horned Frog yearbook. Each student selected her or his topic, conducted the research, selected the featured images, and wrote the text. We hope to expand the content of the exhibit in the future.
Please explore the exhibit to learn more about the ways TCU Horned Frogs experienced World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War.