The '80s and '90s: A Few Great Buildings

In the 1980s, The Moudy Building was built for visual arts and communication, Moncrief Hall for first year residents, and Tandy Hall for the business school.

In the '90s, Ranch Management, Kelly Visitors Center, the Walsh Performing Arts Building, and the Tom Brown / Pete Wright Commons were built, as well as other residential and athletic buildings.


The J.M. Moudy Visual Arts and Communication Building was a gift to the University for the Amon G. Carter Foundation


W.A. Moncrief & W.A. "Tex" Moncrief, Jr. Hall was a gift from Honorary Trustee, W.A. "Tex Moncrief, Jr. and his wife, Deborah


The Winthrop Rockefeller Building for Ranch Management houses the agribusiness program


Dee J. Kelly Alumni & Visitors Center


Mary D. and F. Howard Walsh Center for Performing Arts houses studios, a theater, and recital hall


The Tom Brown / Pete Wright Commons takes the place of two residence halls that were razed for this apartment complex. This is the TBPW Commons Building