Capturing SuperFrog: The Linda Kaye collection

Archived online exhibit from 2009

Linda Kaye, a 1963 graduate of TCU, worked as a photographer for TCU from 1959 until her death in 2007. She took pictures at various campus activities, including sporting events. Linda was a fixture on campus and played an important role in TCU’s development throughout her career. In recognition of her accomplishments and contributions, the Schieffer School of Journalism inducted her into its Hall of Fame in 2007.

Many of the photographs included in this web exhibit, particularly those from 1970-2007, are from the Linda Kaye Collection. The majority of the photographs in the collection concern athletics in some way (team pictures, shots of individual athletes and coaches, game action, etc.) with campus scenes and other campus events rounding out the collection. For more information, visit TCU's Special Collections.

Finding aid for the Linda Kaye collection

Digitized photographs from the Linda Kaye collection

SuperFrog silhouette in the stands at baseball game, April 20, 1999