The Bell Family
Archived exhibit from 2007. Click on the images to see a larger version. Return to this page with your browser's Back button.
Havana, Cuba, June of 1918, Colorful oversized posters announce this evening’s show:
¡Bell Family Vaudeville Company!
Backstage, surrounded by journalists, photographers, and assistants, the Bells rehearse for a typical performance of their Vaudeville show. Later, the lights will go down and Carlos Bell opens the evening with an act of gymnastics and strength, lifting one hundred and fifty-pound cannon balls upon his shoulders.
Ricardo’s virtuoso violin then soothes the audience with popular and classic tunes. Holding a shotgun in each hand, Eduardo shoots simultaneously at different targets held by his undaunted wife, Nelly.
George the Ventriloquist engages in a conversation among his alter-ego Bobby—a life-size wooden doll with an Andalusian accent—himself, and another character of his choosing. The talented George can imitate seventeen different voices.